Friday, February 7, 2014

Blog Assignment 2-Changing the world one post at a time

Everywhere I go I see people trying to be “green” to help the environment, but I believe there needs to be a bigger wave of concern and change in order to fix all the damages that have been inflicted upon our beautiful planet. Though many people may not put government and saving the planet in the same category it really goes hand in hand. The news and government like to show the positive changes they are making, but there are still many limitations put up against environmental change because of political and personal views and influence. This article is just a small example of what concerns need to be voiced and problems that need to be addressed.

In "Diary of a Dying Country", William Rivers Pitt voices the problem he is seeing with drinking water in populated areas being polluted. He talks about how lax the issue is to the companies that are polluting and how serious the problem really is. 

This is an incredibly informative and easy read I hope you enjoy.

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