Friday, March 7, 2014

Blog Assignment 4-Bad Endings Ruin Everything

There hasn’t been too much mention on the new “ag gag” law going down in Minnesota, so I was pleased to see that there was an article in the opinions tab talking about the ridiculous law helping the farmers get away with abusing the animals we eat. I’m by no means an extremist, but I care about animals and how they are treated. Kicking a dog is about as right as kicking a newborn baby in my eyes. 

Mark Bittman is on the right track in his article “Who Protects the Animals?”, talking about the case that started this whole movement and how it will only do more harm then good to activate this law, but like a great movie with a bad ending I feel the article goes down the drain with his quote, “What if my every meal has been an act of cruelty”. I feel he belittles his own article by turning it into a “let’s hold hands and be vegan” festival. I like my steak so this ending made me roll my eyes. This is a serious issue, but he limited his audience to the smaller group of people by mentioning the issue of eating meat, which is not the main issue! His group went from a huge audience of animal loving people to the tinier group of vegans and vegetarians. He could have very well included the meat loving people with information like adrenaline in animals will actually make the meat putrid, but no he decided to take the path of butterflies and pretty things. I agree that this “ag gag” law needs to be abolished and slung into a black hole, but I can see his background of food columnist in the New York times peeking through and that was overall disappointing. Heed this article and, if you can, skip the ending.

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